Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teachers, here's your chance to ask parents for help!

Budget cuts resulting in overcrowded classrooms and fewer personnel have made teaching more difficult. This sometimes means that special education classrooms aren't able to give all of their students the individual attention they require.

Students who don't receive individual attention sometimes "act out" to get attention from the teacher or may have other problems because overwhelmed teachers with too many students and too little help aren't able to attend to every student.

This site provides a forum for teachers to share their frustrations with helpful parents who may be able to provide some helpful solutions based on their experience and expertise rearing and caring for their own children.

Ask a question or present a problem you're having in your classroom and, hopefully, a parent or, perhaps, another teacher may have answers or suggestions for you. Please make sure all questions and problems are addressed respectfully and that responses are non-judgmental.

This is not a place to place blame or vent frustrations toward schools and/or teachers. Rather, we want to provide an environment for cooperative relationships between parents and teachers. In such an atmosphere, solutions can be found for children.